Aortic Aneurysm - it can rupture and produce fatal bleeding or even death

 An aneurysm is a swelling or "ballooning" in the surface of an artery. Arteries are blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood from the heart to different parts of the body. If an aneurysm becomes large, it can rupture and produce fatal bleeding or even death.

Most aneurysms happen in the aorta, the principal artery that runs from the heart through the chest and abdomen.

There are two types of aortic aneurysm:

Thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAA) - these happen in the part of the aorta running through the chest.

Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) - these happen in the part of the aorta going over the abdomen.

Most aneurysms are seen during tests done for other reasons. Some people are at high risk for aneurysms. It is necessary for them to take screening because aneurysms can evolve and become large before causing any symptoms. Screening is suggested for people between the ages of 65 and 75 if they have a family history, or if they are men who have smoked. Doctors use imaging tests to find aneurysms. Medicines and surgery are the two main treatments.
