Pediatrics Question and Rationale Part I

pediatrics question part i

While performing a physical evaluation of a fourteen-month-old baby, the nurse records that the newborn anterior fontanel remains slightly open. Which of the subsequent are the nurse’s most appropriate steps?

a. Notify the physician immediately because there's a drag.

b. Perform an intensive neurologic examination.

c. Perform an intensive developmental examination.

d. Do nothing because this is often a traditional finding for the age.

The anterior fontanel typically closes anywhere between 12 to 18 months aged. Thus, assessing the anterior fontanel as still being slightly open may be a normal finding requiring no further action. Because it's a normal finding for this age, notifying the physician or performing additional examinations is inappropriate.

When teaching a mother about introducing solid foods to her baby, which of the subsequent indicates the earliest age at which this could be done?

a. 1 month

b. 2 months

c. 3 months

d. 4 months

Solid foods aren't recommended before age 4 to six months due to the sucking reflex and therefore the immaturity of the alimentary canal and system. The earliest age at which to introduce foods is 4 months. Any time earlier would be inappropriate.

The infant of a substance-abusing mother is in danger of developing a way of which of the following?





According to Erikson, infants got to have their needs met consistently and productively to develop a way of trust. An infant whose needs are consistently unmet like within the case of the infant of a substance-abusing mother will develop a way of uncertainty, resulting in mistrust of caregivers and therefore the environment. Toddlers develop a way of shame when their autonomy needs aren't met consistently. Preschoolers develop a way of guilt when their sense of initiative is thwarted.

Which of the subsequent toys should the nurse recommend for a 5-month-old?

a. A big red balloon

b. A teddy bear with button eyes

c. A push-pull wooden truck

d. A colorful busy box 

A busy box facilitates the fine motor development that happens between 4 and 6 months. Balloons are contraindicated because young children may aspirate balloons. Because the button eyes of a teddy may detach and be aspirated, this toy is unsafe for youngsters younger than 3 years. A 5-month-old is just too young to use a push-pull toy.

The mother of a 2-month-old cares that she could also be spoiling her baby by picking her up when she cries. Which of the subsequent would be the nurse’s best response?

a.“ Let her wail for a long time”

b.“Newborn got to be cuddled” 

c.“baby is craving”

d.“Permit her to be alone”

Infants got to have their security needs met by being held and cuddled. At 2 months aged, they're unable to form the connection between crying and a spotlight. This association doesn't occur until late infancy or early toddlerhood. Letting the infant cry out for a time before learning the infant or leaving the infant alone to cry herself to sleep interferes with meeting the infant’s need for security at this very young age. Infants cry for many reasons. Assuming that the kid s hungry may cause overfeeding problems like obesity.

Nclex Nursing Exam
